Photo by Paul Francis Harrison. |
It's been several weeks (well a couple of months) since my inaugural Brazilian wax, and I find myself missing it. No one is more surprised about this than I. Every bit of hair has grown back in, softer and shinier than before, and I am very much, again, a Bohemian woman. That does not bode well for swim suit season. Alas, it is time for me to go the way of the wax lady again, to enjoy the longevity and ease of maintaining my tortilla chip.
Besides lasting a long time, being sexy, and easy to maintain, I enjoy the hygene aspect. It really does seem cleaner downtown...and everything just feels healthier. As I trimmed some strays today, I realized what a pain in the ass that is! I haven't had to do that for ages. My scissors are dull and quite frankly I am not that flexible. The thought of shaving it all off myself is highly unappealing, as I can only imagine the rash and ingrown hair assault I will expose my girly bits to. No, the only right way to handle this is to wax it off again...and keep waxing.
My husband claimed to not really care...but I am certain he is lying. If I care, he cares. My kids never saw it...I locked the bathroom door when naked. And it really is affordable: for my waxologist, $50.00, and it lasts a long time. There were a few ingrown issues, but pretty minor, and regular exfoliating should take care of that. I feel like I am in good hands with I feel my risk of infection or other lethal side effects is minimal. It seems pretty common place these days...many woman I talk to are old hats at it. Like everything girly, I am just late on the uptake.
So for me personally, I chose to wax a Brazilian...not because I have been culturally forced to, but because I actually like it.
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